Are you a work from home Mama? With the COVID-19 global pandemic, so many working adults found themselves working from home. This blog post is for work from home moms or work from home dads. ย I have been working from home since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Over time I have tried multiple tools to help me manage my work from home and my baby who transitioned into a toddler. It is important to me that my youngest is comfortable, happy and surrounded by educational toys while I work. Work from home jobs are still demanding and can be challenging. Tools to create systems and processes are important.
I wanted to share some items that I have found extremely helpful as I have worked from home with my baby. Here are 5 tools for your baby to help you have productive days as a work from home mom.
5 Tools for Work From Home Moms
1.) Playpen for your baby– This is so helpful. You can start small and enlarge the playpen as your baby grows. Your baby will be able to move around, play, and even rest when they want to.
2.) Toys for the playpen– The toys should not be small to avoid a choking hazard. Find toys that are educational, colorful and fun to give your baby options to explore on their terms.
3.) Toy bin– It is helpful to have toy bin for your baby’s toys. This is a great idea for helping you to keep the playpen clean and organized. As your baby grows, you can teach them clean up skills. I love to sing the “clean up” song with my baby. Well, technically he is a toddler. This teaches great skills!ย If you have not heard of the “clean up” song, you should check out Barney’s version of it. To listen to it click here!
4.) Crib Mattress- In my opinion, a crib mattress is a must have! This is so helpful, because it creates a comfortable space for your baby. Crib mattresses are helpful, because it gives your baby the space to rest when they are tired. Having mattress covers, similar to sheets for a bed are a must to change the crib mattress cover frequently. Buying sets of those in case your child spills something or has an accident is highly recommended.
5.) Playpen Mat– Most playpens will come with a playpen mat. I highly recommend this to keep your baby safe. There are times when they may fall down or stumble. Having a nice soft padding under their feet is a good idea.
I find that having a space for my baby helps my baby to stay at peace while I am working. Having the right tools for your baby is essential to your work from home success. It also helps you to create routines that aide in productivity.
I hope you enjoyed this information. If you have any questions please reach out!
Shop the tools I mentioned in this post!
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